How to do science

Do you understand science and some scientific laws? And were you ever interested in science? I was as a child. I loved tinkering with toys and doing all kinds of experiments with cannons and surgical toys. You may laugh at me, but it\’s true. When I was a little older and we would get together […]

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Starting a Business While on Maternity Leave

The Internet is full of stories of women who have decided to start their own businesses in search of fulfillment or because they lost their former jobs. In some ways, motherhood is the perfect time to start a business. Even though taking care of a baby is a full-time job in itself, the daily routine […]

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Mindfulness Techniques

Have you ever encountered the concept of mindfulness? Mindfulness is the ability to live in the present moment. Let\’s take a look at what this concept means. You have probably heard the saying that life is not long enough to dwell on useless things or to dwell on the past. In other words, we need […]

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Myslím si、že dnešní doba je tak technicky pokročilá,že někdo吐阿仁nemůže uvěřit,エールvěřteホリデイ-インサラトガスプリže je東邦ještě více,než si dokážete představit. このような状況の中で、私たちはあなたのために何かをしたいと思っています。 A tak třeba například horkovzdušnáfritéza. Ještě před rokem、půl実験力学vůbec nevěděla že nějaká horkovzdušná fritéza existuje. A protože実験力学opravdu hodně na zdravý životní styl na zdravou výživu tak実験力学si horkovzdušnou fritézu musela pořídit. A hlavně kvůli吐že se tam nemusí dávat vůbec žádný olej、žádný […]

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Venice Masked Parade

The Christmas vacations are over and the winter vacation season has arrived. If winter sports are not your thing, or if you already have a ski vacation planned and are wondering what else you can do to make winter a little more enjoyable, visit the Venice Carnival. If someone were to talk about the world-famous […]

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Potted Exotic Fruits

This is not to say that homegrown fruits are not good. But there is something about exotic fruits that is just not right. Moreover, they are healthy and often help to keep one\’s figure slim. At least you don\’t have to worry about chemicals being sprayed on the bark. [How to grow exotic fruits at […]

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Watches for active swimmers

The Garmin Swim watch has been on the market for almost 5 years, connects to your computer via USB ANT+, and has all the features you need for both recreational and sport swimming.Watch Features – The Garmin Swimwatch does not have a GPS module, so it cannot measure the distance swum outside the pool.– When […]

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Sweets – fat and sugar laden mls and healthy sweets

In traditional Czech households, Christmas sweets are a must every Christmas. It usually consists of flour, sugar, eggs, and fat. However, few people know that its history dates back to the 16th century. Its form was quite different from what it is today. In fact, the first pastries were made of fruit figurines. [It was […]

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Temporary foster parents?

Have you ever heard of so-called transitional foster care? If you have seen the term but do not know what it is, read on. You may be attracted to the idea of becoming a foster parent, or you may know a family that cannot have children of their own. Or maybe you have a relative […]

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