Motivation: How to find it and not lose it

Whatever your goal is, you cannot do without motivation. You must find the motivation. Why do you want to achieve your goal? What is the motivation so strong for you that you are willing to sacrifice everything else for it? What is it? A cause? Let\’s take a closer look at these magic words.

There is no such thing as motivation

If one is going to achieve something, one must have a plan. A strategy that will lead one to the goal. But why not give up on the journey… That is motivation.

Motivation is intangible; rather, it is an emotion. Take the example of a family, it is not literally a family, it is a family emotion.

Motivation cannot be just any motivation, it must be strong, clear, and simple.

Motivační text

How do you find it?

Look inside yourself. No external motivation is better than internal motivation.

You can find it in anything. You can find inspiration on the Internet, in nature, in success stories. In practice.

It\’s a matter of your own motivation, not the motivation of people on the Internet!

Then …… How do you keep it up?

Never give up. No matter what you aim for, motivation can be lost or reappear. This is a normal fluctuation and should not sway one. For once you give up, you will never reach your goal.

Motivační deník

What is motivation? “42]

As mentioned above, it is an emotion that is beyond description. But translate it into the real world, e.g. family, friends, pets… but also the desire for normal life, success, and joy. Motivation is exactly what you create.

How do you know if your motivation is strong enough?

It\’s easy. Ask yourself this: “Would I sacrifice everything I need for this?

If yes, then the motivation is strong enough.

Motivation is not permanent. It goes up and down in a curve. It is important not to get confused when the curve goes down. Just like in life, sometimes it gets better, sometimes it gets worse. [It is normal!