Young children should put away their toys.
Even young toddlers can be encouraged to clean up after the toys in their rooms. For example, “Come on, let\’s put the Legos in the box. The fastest one wins! See how quickly your child collects all the blocks. He will learn well if you resist the temptation to repeat the process.Even a two-year-old can perform small chores. For example, he can carry a cookie wrapper to the trash can or take the laundry out of the washing machine. [The important thing is that this habit will take hold over time and will no longer feel abnormal.

Preschoolers benefit from doing at least two chores
Five-year-olds have already mastered many things and are beginning to become increasingly independent. It is a good idea to set specific tasks with your child in advance. Water the flowers, rake the room, give fresh water to the pets, put out food, etc. Children learn responsibility and gain self-confidence. Work can be fun. The important thing is that the child at least tries to help you and enjoys it.

Make school children independent
If you have a teenager who doesn\’t want to do anything at home, tell him or her to stop! School-aged children, especially those in the second grade, should clean their own rooms. Vacuuming, dusting, and changing bed linens are normal for older children. It does not have to be done every day, but there should be a rule, for example, once a week. They should also be able to make their own snacks to eat at school. Getting them to do chores as early as possible will save them from unpleasantness and arguments in the future. After all, work is part of life, so let\’s learn to do it with joy.