How can someone live without a family?

Family, they say, is the foundation of a nation. And it is true. What can one do without the family? Nothing. The family gives us love, and because of the family we are not alone, we can survive in the world. Family makes us feel that we belong to this world and that we are loved. Besides, in a family, someone is there to help us. We cannot rely on friends alone. Of course it is not our duty to our friends, and no one has to help us, but if someone calls us friends, that includes helping us, and us helping our friends.


Family is with us all our lives and without it we would not even be here. But some people don\’t have families. Those who have lost their families in some way during their lifetime, it matters little how they lost them. But there are those who, through no fault of their own, have no family. They have disowned their families, or they are quarrelsome and their relationships are not good. It happens. But how can such a person live? How can such a person be healthy?


This is a question that cannot be answered by someone who has no self. But is there really someone who does not want a family and wants to be alone? They say so, but they don\’t. In my opinion, they have not found anyone and have bitterly given up on their families and cut off all relationships, or vice versa. Yet, deep down in their souls, such people long for family. They yearn for love, for warmth, for the hearth of family. Not wanting a family is bullshit. They are so sick of life that they have to lie to themselves that they don\’t want anyone or a family. Such a person has no friends. They don\’t love themselves, so they can\’t love others. That\’s why such people don\’t exist. Everyone wants that, but often they cannot find the right partner.