Grandpa’s Science

Science has always been my hobby. In that respect, I was just like my grandfather. My grandfather is a scientist and a very accomplished man. He lectures at three different universities and does all sorts of online calls with people interested in science. I think that is great and I am very proud to have a crawfish grandfather. He\’s not just an ordinary grandpa, he\’s a magical grandpa to me. He\’s perfect at work, stubborn and demanding, but when he\’s at home he\’s the grandpa from a fairy tale. No wonder my grandpa has two doctorates. Grandpa is a really funny guy and is well-liked by everyone in the village. Grandpa has always been fascinated by science and does all sorts of experiments.

Díky vědě máme léky.

Grandpa told me that he was bored at school and did not know what to do. Every time school ended, he wanted to do different experiments. Yes, what kind of problems Grandpa had at home, how he just played around with science experiments instead of doing the work that was necessary and normal at the time. I think there is an innate desire to be a scientist or to enjoy being a scientist. I enjoy it too, but I would never give up my PhD. But I don\’t enjoy sitting in school and listening to people talk. I remember falling asleep whenever my high school teacher was talking about something.

Věda je složitá,ale i zábavná.

And I still do. If someone talks for a long time and doesn\’t change the tone of their voice, I fall asleep within 10 minutes. There is nothing I can do to stop that. I try to keep myself calm, but I can\’t. Talking completely wears me out and makes me want to sleep. And mostly its a huge embarrassment and awkwardness. I once fell asleep during my grandfather\’s lecture on science and space. Fortunately, my grandfather casually woke me up and saved the day. Truth be told, I\’m more interested in science than space or anything else. I have a lot of books at home that deal with the science of nature, and I am also interested in nature photography. I am also very interested in Africa and plan to go there at some point in my life. I want to see Africa at least once in my life. Maybe I can see it through science.