Christmas Gift Tips

For many, as it is for me, the Christmas season is a time of peace and joy, a wonderful time to end the past year and see family and loved ones. As it does every year, the thought that it is time to think about gifts for loved ones began to haunt me again this year.

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Christmas in our home is truly a capital V Christmas for me. Perhaps it is because the gifts given in our home are truly heartfelt. We have long moved away from universal gifts and money, and simply give what we know will bring real joy to the recipient. And often unexpected joy, too.

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So today, here are some tips on how I choose gifts for my loved ones.

The first thing to think aboutis what will really please that person, what will always make them smile. For some men, it is often food or sports equipment; for others, it is clothes (if they like to dress up) or something specific to their hobbies. A beautiful bottle for someone who likes to drink, a kitchen essential for a chef, a cool tool box for a handyman, etc. I choose what will please me. For women, that may seem like an easy thing to do, but it isn\’t always. Our bathrooms are usually lined with drugstore items and our closets barely hold any clothes anymore. With women, I have found it helpful to simply listen. Women talk a lot and talk about things that really interest them. I find gifts for my wives are usually because they unwittingly tell me things about themselves.

The second is thought. What is it that my loved ones enjoy but I don\’t buy for myself? It could be for any reason. Maybe they don\’t want to spend money on the item, or maybe they want it but say they could do without it.

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In this way, I usually come up with a gift that not only pleases them, but also surprises them. Often the recipients talk about the gift for weeks or even months afterward.