Autumn apples: Everything you need to Know about them

Apples are 1 of the extraordinary fruits. They are present in a wide variety of varieties. Each has different color, flavor, size and use. Whether you like raw apples, bake different cakes or make compotes, we want to guide you through the varieties and tell you what is best for your cake and what is best for your delicious jam.
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The difference between summer and autumn apple varieties
Summer varieties are eaten early and are usually harvested in the late 7th or early 8th month. Surely you know them by the folk name “Reaper”. They are perfect for direct consumption, cooking or canning. But with their long-term storage, it is no longer so rosy. They quickly deteriorate, so it is best to eat them as soon as possible. In contrast, autumn varieties of apples are harvested through the late 9th or 10th month. Harvesting can be done until the first frost. Autumn varieties can be stored for several months in a good dry and cool cellar.
Many varieties of autumn apples are grown in orchards. Some are popular, others are more rare. 1. One of the most popular apple varieties is called Macintosh. In autumn, as a rule, they are harvested first. These apples are full taste and refreshing. They are perfect for both cake and food. It is harvested first, so it should also be eaten first.
Another very popular and widely popular variety is the Royal Gala 1. They are especially known for their sweet taste. The best ones are fresh only for snacks.
Shamrock apples are green and very juicy, similar to Granny Smith, but more sweet because they taste like Macintosh apples.
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Golden Delicious is also known for its green to yellow color. This variety is ideal for long-term storage.
The last apples to be harvested are Fuji and Pink Lady. Usually their collection falls on the 10th month or until the first large frosts. It came from Australia and was bred in the 70s. They can be stored for a long time, and pink Ledies are also great for storage in refrigerated boxes.