Drones delivering mail, robots in stores

Amazon drones

– Amazon engineers have filed many exotic patents in recent years describing all manner of delivery drone operations. [At one time it was a giant blimp, at another it was a parachute parcel system. In early August of this year, the USPTO filed another patent application, expanding the patent registration to.
– Freight trains could become the home of delivery drones. According to the patent, the trains would arrive in cities filled with orders from distribution centers, and the drones would fly like flies over a large area of suburban America with the shipments.
– This idea is reminiscent of another Amazon patent that allows drones to fly from mail delivery. In other words, in this case it is a massive solution.

– But before Americans can see something similar, local civil aviation authorities will have to figure out how to put it into practice.

Robots that know how customers are feeling

– The US grocery chain Wal-Mart wants to avoid situations where customers are frustrated because they have to wait at the register for various reasons.
– Whether it is because there is a line, because they couldn\’t find the item they wanted, or because they had another unpleasant experience in the store.
-To identify these people and their emotions, retailers are looking to deploy facial recognition technology. This follows a patent reported in the Wall Street Journal.
robot hračka
– The technology, which uses robotic cameras, could alert a member of staff if it detects that a customer is dissatisfied, who could then identify the cause of the customer\’s dissatisfaction and potentially resolve it at the same time.
The chain also plans to use this technology to analyze trends and changes in shopping habits. This will be done by linking customer facial expressions with biometric data.